During one of the most violent periods of human history, an island of Peace appeared. On Christmas Eve in 1914, German soldiers began to decorate their trenches with small candlelit Christmas trees and sing Christmas carols. Drawn out by curiosity and perhaps a respite from the misery, British soldiers proceeded forth into No-Man’s-Land under the cover of darkness to explore the unexpected scene. Once discovered by the Germans, rather than reverting to fear, a brief truce spontaneously emerged. Over a few days, conversations arose, songs were sung, gifts exchanged and meals shared. It was only after the generals caught wind of a break in hostility that these men were forced to once again bury their better natures.
This story, of peace and compassion arising amidst such pain and suffering, is a profound reminder of Thich Nhat Hanh’s teaching on human aggression and compassion, “When the seeds of happiness in you are watered, you will become happy. When the seed of anger in you is watered, you will become angry. The seeds that are watered frequently are those that will grow strong.” If the soldiers whose sole purpose was to kill the hated other could open to their innate compassion - if ever so brief, how about us? At a time in our country when we are so polarized along political and cultural divides, which seeds shall we water, today and tomorrow?
The Christmas Truce of 1914: the day the guns fell silent
compassion, peace, thich naht hanh
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