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But wait, there's more!

March 1, 2025

Question: What do marshmallows and the four Noble Truths have in common?

Answer: craving.

Upon observing his children, psychologist Walter Mischel became curious about delayed gratification. He observed this capacity to appear around the age of four. In a clever experiment, he placed children of various ages in a plain room with a table and chair. Upon this table, lay one marshmallow. Children were offered a choice: either take the one marshmallow or wait and receive two (anyone who is a parent can see where this is going!). Mischel found that the ability to hold off from the one to receive the two appeared around age four. He also observed a wide variation - from children who could not wait a mere seconds up to a champion gratification-delayer who waited an astounding twenty minutes!

However, this was not the most fascinating aspect of the study. Years later, when asking his children about how their classmates were faring (the children in the previous study attended the same school as Mischel’s children), he stumbled upon an amazing discovery. The children who could make it to the second marshmallow were doing much better in school than those who could not wait. Fascinated, Mischel...


Tags: craving

Posted at: 01:58 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Are you happy?

February 1, 2025

Greetings! Please watch this fascinating TED talk on studying happiness. More stuff does not make us happier (OK, no surprise there!). Does a wandering mind make us happy? Apparently not. Even during a current unpleasant experience, taking a trip in our minds does not provide a break or escape, just more unhappiness. This dovetails well with the mindfulness approach: to be in full contact with whatever is unfolding, whether I like it or not, I am more likely to experience the transient nature of reality. This increased experience of non-permeance leads to acceptance, patience, and freedom from habitual mind states that drive our emotions and behaviors. Want to be happier? Stay in the moment



Tags: happiness, mindfulness, ted

Posted at: 05:16 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

We stand at a threshold

January 1, 2025

Looking back, what shall be left behind? 

What served me not in twelve months past? 

What brought suffering upon myself and others? 

What expectations now exposed unrealistic?


Now before me, an open hand, ready to receive. 

What previously pushed away by fist held tight? 

What vital needs denied? 

What long-hushed gifts shall now be claimed, shall be truly owned? 


Looking forward, what myths do I see now truth lacking? 

What threads added by another, weakened the tapestry of my life? 

What story anew shall I weave in the twelve months to come? 


With each breath in, I arrive in the present moment. 

With each breath out, I open to freshness, clarity and Light.


May we be Happy, 

May we be at Peace, 

May we be free from suffering, 

May we be free.

Posted at: 01:29 AM | 2 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards All

December 15, 2024

During one of the most violent periods of human history, an island of Peace appeared.  On Christmas Eve in 1914, German soldiers began to decorate their trenches with small candlelit Christmas trees and sing Christmas carols.  Drawn out by curiosity and perhaps a respite from the misery, British soldiers proceeded forth into No-Man’s-Land under the cover of darkness to explore the unexpected scene.  Once discovered by the Germans, rather than reverting to fear, a brief truce spontaneously emerged.  Over a few days, conversations arose, songs were sung, gifts exchanged and meals shared.  It was only after the generals caught wind of a break in hostility that these men were forced to once again bury their better natures.

This story, of peace and compassion arising amidst such pain and suffering, is a profound reminder of Thich Nhat Hanh’s teaching on human aggression and compassion, “When the seeds of happiness in you are watered, you will become happy. When the seed of anger in you is watered, you will become angry. The seeds that are watered frequently are those that will grow strong.”  If the soldiers whose sole purpose was to kill the hated other could open to their innate...


Tags: compassion, peace, thich naht hanh

Posted at: 01:35 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

The Joy of Single-tasking

December 1, 2024

I took an extraordinary step the other day.  Actually, I took no steps, while texting.  And oh, what a relief it was.  To have my feet firmly planted in a safe spot and enjoy focusing on a single task.  As the attached link explains, multitasking is a myth.  Oh, how I wish it could be removed from job descriptions, “must be good at multitasking.”  We might as well add to a job description, “must be good at flapping arms and flying around the room.” 

We can only focus on one item (internal or external) at any given moment.  Multi-tasking is a misnomer.  What we actually do is rapidly shift our attention between different phenomena.  As described in the attached NPR story, this capacity to rapidly shift attention may have had an evolutionary advantage.  But our hunter-gatherer ancestors were not rapidly shifting between smartphone, email, television and TikTok (and pot boiling on the stove and someone yelling outside the door!).  Studies on attention and interruptions reveal we require from 7-25 minutes to return to the task.  Now, how much time are we saving, and how much more productive are we with multitasking?

Now, consider being able to focus...


Tags: multi-tasking, stress

Posted at: 06:00 AM | Permalink

Mind Wandering: good or bad? (it depends)

November 1, 2024

What is mind up to when we are not focused on the task at hand? Research suggests that we are highly prone to mind wandering. Given the long list of benefits from mindfulness, or being present, lack of focus or wandering must be an undesirable state we need to avoid. But like most things in life, the answer is far from black or white. A deeper dive into the research reveals the subtlety of this question.

Research by Matt Killingsworth reveals mind wandering is a common occurrence.  Up to 47% of the time, we are lost in thoughts rather than focused upon the task at hand. His research reveals this occurs whether we like the current activity or not. Even when we do not like the activity, mind wandering results in less happiness than being present with the unpleasant experience. Score one for “no!” to mind wandering.

Amisha Jha’s research reveals our mind wandering tends to be comprised of self-reflection and negative affect. In other words, we think about ourselves and get depressed! Again, mind wandering looks like something to avoid.

But what about times when we find ourselves slipping off into a creative wandering mode. Consider...


Tags: mind wandering

Posted at: 01:45 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Predicting Happiness (or at least the cessation of suffering)

October 1, 2024

Pick up an object, such as a pen, coffee mug, or iPhone. Pull back your arm and prepare to throw - now stop! Before the object leaves your hand, can you predict where it will land? Thanks to good ol’ Mr. Newton (of apple fame), we can predict where the object will come to rest.


OK, how about a coin toss?  Surely a coin toss is too random to know the outcome. Again, thanks to the wonders of mathematics, once we know all the initial conditions before the toss, we can predict heads or tails (coin tossing machines can generate a predictable toss 100% of the time). 


OK, you say, maybe we can predict the outcome of some simple physical objects in motion, but surely my happiness is beyond prediction. Or is it?


In our life, we also experience causality (aka Karma).  Every action results in an outcome. My reaction to an event will lead to a particular outcome, resulting in another reaction and another outcome and the cycle continues.  Just as we can predict that releasing an object will result in it dropping to the floor, we are capable of recognizing that clenching our teeth all...


Tags: happiness, suffering

Posted at: 01:04 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Embracing (all) emotions

September 1, 2024

Upon receiving a sensation (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and ideas) and weaving a narrative, we experience an emotion. Often, we are not even aware of this flow until we find ourselves in some unexpected mood.  And our typical reaction, as thinking beings, we ask, “Why?” Why am I feeling this way? Sometimes, the answer is apparent - something deemed either good or bad just happened and we immediately connect the dots. Wonderful! 


But what about the all too frequent occasions when the emotional math does not add up? How do we typically react? Do we double down on thinking our way out of this feeling, continuing to ask “Why?” When that still fails, we start to pave our path forward with shoulds: “I should be feeling…!


In the end, we dig a deeper hole as we try to think the feeling.  If digging deeper fails to reveal the answer, perhaps a new approach is called for.  Instead of a problem to be solved, emotions are an energy to be experienced.


Mindfulness invites us to linger a little longer with unpleasant emotions. In doing so, we discover a powerful shift...


Tags: emotions

Posted at: 07:00 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

"That is MY story..."

August 6, 2024

…but do I really want to stick to it?  Once we receive information through our six sensory doorways (taste, touch, smell, hear, see, think), the story-telling begins. The new information is not contained within a vacuum but immediately referenced against our history. Our internal referencing is far from accurate, as we recall similar experiences from our past that seem relevant to this information received in the moment. Typically occurring at a level of awareness far too low to be consciously acknowledged, we weave a tale that may or may not accurately assess the current experience. In essence, we become scriptwriters, spinning an internal narrative.  Any downstream effects, be they emotional or behavioral, are dependent upon these internal narratives.   We easily become lost in the emotional reactions deeply carved into these old stories, retold over and over, instead of opening to the fresh new scenario unfolding before our eyes (and ears, noses, skin, tongues, minds).

So, how accurate is your internal storyteller? When was the last time you reality-tested your internal narrator?  The first step in reality testing requires a gap between receiving and reacting. Mindfulness creates just such a gap. By developing the capacity to witness our internal storyteller, we...


Tags: imagine

Posted at: 01:03 AM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink

You are so 12 seconds ago!

July 1, 2024

Look around - what do you see? To our eyes, we appear to see solid objects before us, unchanging in this moment. But this stability is an illusion. Seeing is a creation of our brain. And research at MIT and Berkeley reveals this creation of seeing is an amalgamation of the information arriving at our eyes over the past 12 seconds. 


Now take a moment to count: "1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi"… all the way up to 12 Mississippis. How long did you remain focused on the task of counting? Did you drift off during a “Mississippi?” According to research by Matt Killingsworth, 43% of the time our mind wanders or drift off. And where do we drift off to? Research from Amisha Jha reveals we drift into a rumination about ourselves and experience a negative mood.


What do we discover when we combine these findings: our current perception is created over the past 12 seconds; about half of those past 12 seconds we are not even present; during those 5 seconds of mind wandering, we are ruminating about ourselves and feeling depressed. Let’s extrapolate that out to 24 hours - now that sounds like a fun...


Tags: perception

Posted at: 02:10 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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